As a lot of you already know I am a Mom to three handsome young men ages 9, 7 & 3. They are by far my greatest photography challenge! They’ve taught me more about learning patience as a photographer (and a human) than any training I could possibly receive! My children have pushed me to learn new ways to grab the attention of tough cookies; break little ones out of their shyness, & capture the true spirit of wild ones! I have all three personality types & I thank God every day for giving me the chance to be their Mama.
Which brings me to the reason for this blog post… A few weeks ago my Mom (AKA Granny) bought my monkeys t-shirts & asked that I photograph the boys wearing them. I thought… Oh man… Trying to photograph busy boys in tacky t-shirts is so not my thing! To humor her, I decided to set up a little photo-shoot. I snapped a few quick images of them in the t-shirts. The shoot was quickly getting out of hand. I was done & ready to end it… but I thought, it’s been a long time since they’ve all been in front of my camera & I should probably capture some of them being their silly selves. They were warned that the backdrop paper on the wall was temporary & to be careful how far they moved back. They started wrestling & I just had a feeling I should start video taping the ending of this awful session. Glad I did, because this will go down in the books as the funniest photo session yet!
So next time you think your kids have been a challenge for me during your session just remember this blog post! I’ve seen it all! xoxo